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Set to finally break the generational cycles and move into a new life paradigm free from family emotional baggage and repetitive behaviors?


I am Mariella bloom 

Constellation Facilitator, Systemic Business Consultant, with over 8 years of experience with family constellation work and systemic fields 

Experience the power of the Family Constellations and start living a life of freedom and possibility.

You have been craving change and don´t know why you can´t seem to bring it about. You feel stuck, repeating the same cycles over and over. You are ready to say goodbye to old behavior patterns but don´t know where or how to let them go and start a new, fresh, ready for what you´ve always hoped for.

My name is Mariella,

Mom, gardener, yogi,

artist, ....

I believe that all our life experiences shape us, whether we are conscious of it or not.  Family Constellation therapy can help you understand the effects of your past and help you heal from the pain and trauma it has caused. I offer personalized sessions that are tailored to your needs and provide a safe and comfortable environment for you to explore and grow. With help, you can move forward and create a better future for yourself and your loved ones.





Home: Welcome

"Don´t Think become"
-Troll Hunter, Guillermo del toro

Home: My Services


I provide a safe and nurturing environment to help you explore the obstacles that prevent you from achieving your life goals. The healing process starts with analyzing your story, connecting to your emotions, and understanding and releasing the thoughts and beliefs blocking your progress. I am passionate about helping you find those transition points to release these patterns and achieve your desired life in acceptance and free of the past.

El propósito de la constelación familiar  es identificar la verdad del sistema y restaurar la coherencia para que las personas en el sistema puedan comprender su lugar y sean libres de operar de la mejor manera posible.



"Trabajando con Mariella, pude desbloquear focos de creatividad y energía que fueron encubiertos por años de mala energía encerrados a lo largo de los años. El proceso es sencillo, con Mariella creando un espacio seguro con sus agudas habilidades de escucha que son capaces de identificar áreas problemáticas. Tiene el don natural de poder establecer confianza y la capacidad de procesar circunstancias difíciles. Este es un tipo de autocuración guiada que permite el crecimiento y un enfoque renovado en relaciones saludables ".  -Galán,   Emprendedor y Ejecutivo de Cine. -Ojai, California

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“No preguntes qué necesita el mundo, pregunta qué te hace vivir y ve a hacerlo. porque lo que el mundo necesita es gente que haya cobrado vida ".

-Howard Thurman

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ESPAÑA: + (34) 645125293

Estados Unidos: +1 (305) 775 9709  

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Quiero agradecer profundamente a todos los colaboradores por el crecimiento de Bloom Palma:

Artista destacado de este mes:

Carolina Estrada  

Ilustrador colombiano

@ ela.jaworska





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ESPAÑA: + (34) 645 125293


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